Causes of Pimples:

How To Remove Pimples You are getting pimples and you really want to know what are the causes pimples, you tried everything you possibly could but your pimples never appear to stop forming on your face. well, there are thousands of people with the same problem as you have now. it just seems like these pimples want that is not coming on your face pimples appear due to certain cause and when treated correctly they go very soon. there are few things that lead to the growth of pimples on your face. if you know them, you can understand what are the things you are doing wrong and what causes pimples.

How To Remove Pimples

this four are the main causes of a pimple-

1.genetics structure
2.harmonal changes
3.stress and tension
4.sweet and sugar 

How To Remove Pimples:

Cinnamon and honey have natural anti-microbial properties. They create a killer combination to destroy pimples. You need only one teaspoon of cinnamon and two tbsps of natural honey. Preferably, you should use Manuka honey. This distinctive brand of honey, out of all the Manuka forest in New Zealand, has excellent healing and pain-relieving properties. Mix the cinnamon to a paste then mix from the honey. Scrub your face and pat it dry. Then apply the paste on the blemishes and leave it overnight. Egg whites provide an economical, simple and fast way to remove pimples. They also eliminate scars. 

Egg whites contain vitamins and then amino acids which help kill rebuild your skin cells. Independent 3 egg whites from their yolks. Whisk them correctly and enable them to settle for 3 minutes. Apply the whisked egg whites into the pimples using your fingers. Wait for it to dry then repeat this four times. Then leave the final mask for 20 minutes, then rinse off and then apply a suitable skin moisturizer. The ascorbic acid and then vitamin C in oranges create them a powerful remedy for pimples. Plus they're very easy to use. Simply rub all the peels on all the pimples and dab them with all the orange juice. 

Before you do any of them, ensure you wash your hands thoroughly to avoid the transfer of germs to skin. You might also wash your face with hot water to open the pores. Use distinct parts of orange peels for every spot you'd like to treat. You might apply all the orange juice with cotton buds. Leave all the juice on your face for at least one hour before you wash it off. Neem oil and neem powder are strong natural treatments for pimples. They've strong anti-bacterial properties. You may get them to purchase online or at the local organic or pure food store in your area. Rinse your face with hot water to open the pores of your skin. Use cotton buds to smear all the oil and apply it directly to all the pimples. You may also mix all the powder with a small amount of water to form a glue and apply it to the spots.